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Stress is the one of the reasons we become unhealthy; yoga is one of the mantras to restore this balance. Yoga helps you relax, stay focused, gain flexibility, and increase happiness and calmness. Smoothing atmosphere in my small size classes allow personal attention, as-needed-modifications in course curriculum. I offer children's  yoga class that improves mindfulness, focus, and sense of peace. Check the Upcoming Events for the class schedules. If the class schedule does not suit you call me to check the possibility for other timings. If you are a group then we can workout your convenient timings. 


Group size: 2 to 6 per class

Modules: 4 to 16 classes per module


Physical Health

Mental Stability

Emotional Strength

Spiritual Growth

Call or email me to schedule an appointment.
408-547-7004 | 







Yoga has been a great help for me especially since I'm starting Middle School. It has really calmed me down and I tend to get less frustrated and angry these days. The pose that I really find interesting is brain yoga. It is really fascinating that when you hold your ears and do squats with breathing, steadiness, etc. than you can get smarter. The one that really stretches out my body and helps me get more flexible is the pigeon pose. At night I do Shavasana and it makes me fall into a deep sleep and I feel fresh in the morning. Thank you Anjali auntie for giving me the experience of doing yoga. I hope that you continue teaching for a long time.

-Tanmayee, Kids Class 

I was a little apprehensive trying something new but nonetheless went ahead and enrolled myself for Yoga Sessions with Anjali Ji. It has been over a year now and I can proudly pat my back for taking this step towards understanding my body and doing something about it. What I like best is the theory, reasoning and discussion we have regarding different asaanas. Anjali Ji gives detailed information about what we are doing and why we are doing. If she has doubt about any thing we ask and she might not know it correctly she makes sure to read and research it further and give us a valid answer rather than a half baked answer. I have enjoyed my journey into Yoga so far and plan on continuing to practice.

- Ekta


Anjali ji has been not a mere yoga teacher to me, but a mentor / guru in the real sense. She is extremely knowledgeable about the human body and its functionalities which can be streamlined with practicing yoga consistently. I have seen a stark improvement in my energy level and flexibility. Yoga classes have brought in a discipline in my life. The best part is that we practice a good amount of Pranayama exercises along with physical asanas. I love the Suryanamaskara the most which involves complete body stretching and a good cardio-equivalent ! It's almost like I was introduced to a whole new aspect of life!

-- Meghashree

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